What’s it all about?
The Conclude Consultancy and TCC-CASEMIX span the divide between those that design and engineer hospitals and those that work in them. We answer the fundamental questions of hospital planning – how big (or small) should this facility be? How might we optimise clinical service delivery through new models of care? What impact would multi-disciplinary team working with Integrated Care Pathways have on the organisation and planning of our facilities?
In contrast to The Conclude Consultancy, TCC-CASEMIX is an exemplar of a completely digitally enabled surgical pathway. Uniquely it is the means to transalate digital delivery of health services into the reduced spatial impact on acute care facilities.

A truly Pan-European healthcare consultancy

We work all over Europe and this enables us to both learn from and contribute to infrastructure design in the health system in which we are working. The knowledge is effectively codified in our simulation libraries. Where there are similar operational drivers, we are able to leverage this knowledge in the different operational contexts within which we work.
We also seek out new knowledge and it is here where learn from clinical and operational research and apply this knowledge to new methods developed in our simulation experiments using client data. This is how we deliver much additional value to our clients.
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